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SDHR enhances financial skills through its training programs

13 December, 2021

The Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources (SDHR) has implemented a foundation program for Sharjah government employees under the title "How to prepare effective budgets and control operational costs".
The program was held through Microsoft Teams, targeting employees working in the financial field from division heads, department managers, analysts, accountants and coordinators. It also witnessed a large turnout of targeted employees from various agencies and institutions in all the cities of the emirate in Sharjah and the central and eastern regions.

The program was established with the aim of introducing participants to the general frameworks of budgets, in accordance with the latest international methodologies and practices, contributing in dealing with many different main topics that enhance the employees’ knowledge in this regard. 

The SDHR focuses on implementing programs related to financial affairs in an effort to gain a wide range of expertise and professional skills in this field, supporting the prospect of the future and enhancing the government labor sector and the efficiency of its achievements.